Sunday, March 24, 2013

An update on Fire Investigation and Junk Science

I wrote about this back in 2010 and now as you can see from this link even more cases are being reviewed

Yes one must wonder for every case wrongfully convicted and an innocent person sent to jail how many arsonists  got away clean with fires they set because junk science was being used instead of  scientific based research which in some cases can not be recreated in the lab even thou they where physically witnessed in the field.
Yes some fires origins can never be determined , when they can not  then the  criminal part  of the case should go no further ,Period. 
until there is 100% provable  and prosecutable evidence . We do not do the criminal justice system any favors when we prosecute an innocent individual .and the millions of dollars of tax payer money  spent to prosecute bad cases .
We have a famous case here in Pittsburgh where 3 City of Pittsburgh firefighters died in a fire in the East Hills  section  of the city authorities say was set by a young man who is now fighting that conviction and I believe has a good chance he will eventually prevail because it appears to have been an accidental fire caused by a faulty natural gas line to the house not arson .

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