The Emergency Alert System EAS and Pa.- EM Net where specifically set up to assist officials to get as many people notified as quickly as possible during all types of emergency's .
They could have sent message out thru Weather service and even there own EM Net Terminal and failed to use it.
Had they activated it every Emergency Weather Radio in Beaver County would have gotten it every AM/ FM Radio Station and Low Power TV would have been interrupted and message delivered as well as Cable TV Providers and many Smart Phone Providers would have sent the message .
Beaver County has failed to use it . So has Allegheny County with Chemical Emergency's when train cars went off tracks in Creighton a few years back.
Its a dam shame all that Tax Payer Money spent on improving EAS and EM Net and not used.
Just more excuses why people where not notified unacceptable excuses . You have the tool use it.
During the Chemical release Emergency's in Kawana County Charleston area of West Virginia
EAS was deployed and citizens told what they needed to do and how to shelter in place
IF such a so called backward state of WV used the system and saved lives why has Beaver county and Allegheny county not used it
Beaver and Allegheny County Emergency officials you have failed your citizens
Of course now the bigger question why was a business allowed to close and not properly dispose of the chemicals and sit there for up to 10 years.
Very interesting. Not only that, but we've discovered that many first responders don't have pre emergency plans in place for all properties in their area of responsibility.