Monday, September 2, 2024

Energy saving devices from 70s and 80s now old enough to kill as they deteriorate


 In 70s and 80s when the made up energy crisis hit the USA  during the Carter administration many energy saving devices came out to help save energy and money


Many did work but many more did nothing and where rip offs .

This Movable fin draft device would be put in flue and as pipe heated up leafs would open and allow flue gas to escape . where supposedly life time warranty etc etc and yes now some almost 50years later are mostly ripped out and replaced but still being found after a Carbon Monoxide incident after they fail on old furnaces which have not been replaced when the bi metal finally wears out .

Most younger furnace techs have never seen them have no idea they may even be in the flue pipes and its just a matter of time till they all fail.

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