Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Why does Penndot make you take a 7 mile Detour instead of a 2 block Detour ?

Here we go again a small bridge on Plum Street in Oakmont needs replaced so instead of Penndot
taking motorists up one block and over Ridge street which parallels plum No Penndot makes you take a 7+ mile detour thru Penn Hills same thing in north hills where 2 bridges are out for the reconstruction of the turnpike one detour is 12 miles vs going 5 miles route to get around it .
 They claim the extra traffic coming thru a residential neighborhood is dangerous and every other excuse  why it has to be detoured this way and its always a bull shit answer. They could allow cars to take the short route add couple extra stop signs to slow down traffic and have the long detour for the hand full of trucks which need it .  So in the mean time if you do not know about the short cut your stuck like every other sucker taking the 7 mile detour in afternoon heavy traffic helping leed to an accident.

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