Saturday, March 23, 2024

Photography Buffs , Videographers Movie makers or Industrial Spy's? who was Filming the Clairton Coke works and why

 I was on my way to Uniontown and was across the river from the Massive Clairton Coke Works 

in Clairton when I spotted something disturbing and notified the plants Security Force 

There where 2 Chinese adult males with very sophisticated Camera equipment zoomed in and watching the coke works operations .

Now you see Amateur Photographers like myself all the time taking pictures like the one above  its a neat thing to photograph . But we do not have $20k cameras with extra powerful zooms on them.

Now the strange part they had no vehicle which means they where dropped off by someone  but who?

Its a very long walk to the nearest Bus Stop .

and usually anytime some one is taking photos they have a car and if they are professionals they have markings on their vehicles to indicate who they are and they dress like professional videographers 

But not these 2 who threw up all kind of red flags .They maybe innocent with what there are doing but better to report and not ignore them

Where they Industrial Spy's very well could be that's why I called the plant and let them know. 

Its now secret that China has machinations on the USA 

and our DOD and other agency's are warning of an Black Swan Attack. 

like they say See something say Something . When it does not look right report it.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Duracell Batteries quality control has gone down hill and damage is occuring

 If you have noticed that Duracell Battery's quality have gone down hill and tend to leak faster than other batteries you are not alone .


Many hobby groups within Facebook and Paranormal investigation groups are reporting problems as well

 I will no longer purchase or use their battery's especially in anything electronic



 Duracell use to be a very dependable battery and had a warranty but once they changed making them in USA to overseas the quality went away .

Sadly Sam's club generic battery's are better than the premium Duracell battery's your buying. 

Is it the chemicals they are using? not sealed right? who knows but Duracell has issues they need to address

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

How Allegheny Trails Council put an entire camp of scouts lives at risk by using an unregulated Natural Gas Well


 A recent Explosion of a unregulated Natural Gas Well in Crescent Twp. Pa which Killed an elderly couple who where getting gas from it which had no odor to it


Example of private well

 It brings back memories when I was on Staff at BSA Camp Semiconon  in 1977 in Conequnessing  Butler County on Boy scout Road  as a Rangers Assistant .

We where having problems with the stoves in the kitchen of the large Mess Hall where up to 150 scouts gathered 3 times a day for meals , some times even more when we had Weekend Camporees . They were   having low gas pressure and the ranger asked one of the scout leaders who worked for one of the Natural Gas Company's if he could look at it . 

Which he did and

When he realized Raw Gas with no Odor  was being feed from a private well he raised absolute hell about it and camp was forced to install propane tanks as the well was water logged and would be too expensive to properly fix and put odor.

Now Gas Codes even back in the 1970s forbid using raw gas into structures yet Camp Semiconon somehow skirted the issue. 

Now you think the Council who ran the camp would no better  especially after their  where over 400 children killed in a school in 1937 in New London Texas when no odor gas exploded  But no they could care less as the camp which was around from 50s .


All they did was complain the cost of paying for propane . They Could care less scouts lives could have been affected.  

But this is what you have when a council was run and dictated to by big corporate donators .

The well is still there in woods don't know if current owners got fixed or capped it  . 

Pa now has an extensive program to find and cap these private unregulated wells as so many now are well over 100 years old and causing issues.

The worst part I am willing to bet there are still scout and other youth camps in Western Pa still using private unregulated non odor wells

Sunday, March 3, 2024

A Very Strange and Unusual Breaker and Electrical Service which where banned but may still be out there in rural areas. the Delta Breaker

 Now after 40 plus years in the field and seeing almost every type of power  service configuration   from 480- 3 phase Delta to 230 Volt 2Phase and 240- High leg 3Phase  I recently ran across an article a fellow long time electrician shared .

Its Called a Delta breaker and they where banned in 1973 .

 A delta breaker is a load center breaker with 2 plug in stabs and a third wire from the third terminal that goes to the third leg of a transformer. This allowed you to use a single phase load center and get three phase power by running a third wire back to the transformer.

 This breaker was designed so a  standard 3 wire electrical service breaker panel could be used 

instead of having to purchase a more expensive 3 phase panel .

You would find them in old mom& pop general stores where their was 1 -3 phase load 

like a Cooler.  as everything else used single phase 230 or 120 volts.

Personally I have never seen one and have done plenty of work in rural America. 

Many power company's paid for or made customers switch to the more expensive 3 phase  4 panels where all 3 hot wires are clearly marked and visible. 

But these types of services could well be still out their in the backwoods some where and if you work in those areas you should be aware of them.