Monday, July 22, 2024

Abandoned Coal Mine Exploring . Some people are getting their kicks exploring old workings and it can get you very dead


 Exploring old abandoned  building and workings has always been an interesting hobby  and for most part can be done so safely . But a newer fad of going into old abandoned Bituminous and Anthracite Coal Mines is a downright Dangerous Game .

But there is a group of young people who show off their exploits on Face Book and You Tube 

who-are not taking anywhere near the precautions an experienced Mine Rescue Crew would use to enter old dangerous mine openings. 

Black Damp , Gray Damp , Collapses and deadly Explosive Methane Gas is always a possible danger when entering old mine workings .

That's why Rescue crews carry a multi gas meter which warns them if their is lack of oxygen or gas building up. 

But not these explorers who wander about mines in very dangerous risk of collapse at any time with no apparent protective equipment

 Just one breath of Black Damp and your dead. Many times no one knows they have gone in and many times it is a single person doing the exploring .

The State of Pa. has been sealing off mines every chance they can but there are still hundreds out there open for exploring . Recently 3  mine entry's near a popular bike Trail in Kiski Twp Armstrong County  where sealed by the DEP .

Yes all the pictures are neat to see but at what cost? If some one gets trapped a Mine Rescue Team must risk their lives to rescue or recover a body of some one who screwed up being in an old mine they have no business being in. 

Remember Stay out Stay Safe and report to Pa. DEP mine openings you find.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Kecksburg UFO Festival is an accident waiting to happen . How can a fair run by a Fire Company get away with so many safety violations ?

 I love going to small county fairs and one of my favorite has been the UFO Festival put on by Kecksburg Fire Dept in Kecksburg Pa. I go for the Food and Great Homemade  Cold Drinks

But this fair  has been going down hill every year with the Fire depts lack of response to issues  I for one will never return or speak at it again.

As some one who does Free Lance work for Insurance company's and providers which includes 

 Forensic Electrical Inspection , Fire Investigation , Code Compliance and Risk Analysis I am appalled at the total lack of safety concerns .

Had they been running this fair in City of Pittsburgh or other areas which takes fire and electrical codes seriously it would have been shut down .

Remember this I was not even looking hard for violations these where all out and blatant  for anyone to see.


To Start With their are all kind of extension cords run all over the place and not properly guarded as required by Pa State Fair laws 

This presents a serious trip hazard and hard for those in wheel chairs makes it  to get over them . Plus the fair is violating ADA rules because the booths are so tight you can not maneuver on foot let alone in a wheelchair . If some one fell and got hurt medics would have a hard time getting to some one .

There are cords all thru the booths running all kind of fans  lights and extension cords and plug strips  unknown if anything is GFCI protected and not one Fire Extinguisher to be seen anywhere and some booths had burning incense absolutely prohibited . No Open Flames are allowed in vending tent areas without proper precautions taken

Then an absolute Flagrant and serious Fire Code violation a Gasoline fueled Fan is being used in booths . Check the right corner of the tent.and zoom in. No Flammable Fuels are allowed in vending areas period.

Then the parking area 


 Poorly cut no  temp painted stripes or signs where to park  its all hap hazard temps in high 80s and lot was not whetted  down to prevent fire or dust and if a fire did break out from a low profile car no way for fire trucks to get into fight it. 

Another issue private citizens walking around with open carry fire arms   walking in some very crowded areas . Yes it legal but common sense says no you should not and conceal your weapon.

Too many times a weapon could have been grabbed by a deranged individual 

Then to add insult to injury they passed a rule only fire dept could sell drinks so No homemade lemonade or fruit drinks and punches  just crap sold in a bottle. just being greedy bastards

So many people walk around this fair and enjoy the homemade lemonade but not this year.

This fair has become a very dangerous joke it needs corrected or shut down period.