The little battery that could is what you might say about Lithium Batteries popular in all kind of wireless alarms , cameras etc along with bigger ones for computers these batteries pack a big amount of power in a small foot print but they also pose a very major fire and explosion danger when not properly handled and disposed of. Even depleted these batteries still pack a wallop, and can catch things on fire.
when disposing of these batteries it is best to recycle them at approved recycle center or dispose of them by wrapping them with some type of non conducting tape to prevent them from bumping against something metal and shorting out and heating up.
A recent fire in a gift/card shop at Pittsburgh Mills shopping mall has been attributed to these batteries in improperly stored cards which played music and its a major big time fine to ship them on passenger airplanes. for more information on proper use and handling of these batteries check the manufacturers web sites.
I used it for is the occasional mobile phone call, or for that dreaded "calling a tow truck on a rainy night" bit. Funny thing, though, even though I drive decade-old cars, I haven't needed a tow truck in over 20 years - except when I was in a wreck, and even then the Police called the tow truck, not me. batteroo
ReplyDeleteI used it for is the occasional mobile phone call, or for that dreaded "calling a tow truck on a rainy night" bit. Funny thing, though, even though I drive decade-old cars, I haven't needed a tow truck in over 20 years - except when I was in a wreck, and even then the Police called the tow truck, not me. batteroo