Saturday, February 29, 2020

Replacing Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs and Regular Bulbs with LED Bulbs be careful or you could cause a Fire

LED bulbs are all the new fad over what was the most energy efficient bulbs at the time CFL  Compact Fluorescent now old technology but with new technology comes new problems .

Just like when we went from Incandescent to CFL going from Incandescent or CFL to LED has its issues and can result in an Electrical Shock and or  Fire.

 Now the LED bulbs look just like an Incandescent bulb same shape and size  but you have to read the label on them before you replica a incandescence bulb or CFL

  Not all LED bulbs can be used with screw in base up their only designed for socket base down like use in a table lamp.

Also not all LED bulbs can be used sideways in a fixture and they also may not be used in an enclosed fixture unless its says so on the box.

They may look like  a standard bulb you can use anywhere but they are not

Also many LED bulbs have exclusion  and not to be used  hot and Cold temperature areas.

also Many old houses with Knob and tube wiring where Neutrals are shared and old Carter 3 way sockets are in use LED may not work properly.

Also not all LED Bulbs are Dimmable and some require special Dimmers  to lesson the light output.

So as you can see you can not just walk in local hardware store and pick up any LED  bulb off the shelf

Choose wisely and follow instructions or expect problems.