Monday, May 31, 2021

Step Ladder sold by Home Depot with neat feature is also very Dangerous to users of the ladder un aware it is not properly secured.

 I was working at a customers oil distribution facility  recently and needed a short step ladder to install an WiFi Access point when customer said go ahead and use one in warehouse .

Walked out into warehouse and there sat an impressive well built aluminum  step ladder approx 4 ft tall just perfect for what I needed .

Customer said he bought it from Home Depot   and made by the people who make the Gorrilla Ladders

It even had this neat Flip Tray feature which was great so I could put my self drill screws in tray  

So I put my screw in tray get up on ladder and that's when I realize the Flip Tray is not locked in place as I bump against it and the tray opens and screws go everywhere and I loose my balance. 

Luckily I was not hurt but I could have easily been so.

This feature although handy needs to be latched down so  it can not be accidentally opened and products in tray thrown all over the place.

The intent was correct but not the design.

I will be notifying CPSC and home Depot  about this design flaw so ladders can be recalled and corrected a feature like this needs a latch .




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