Sunday, July 3, 2022

Sheetz Convenience Stores are using Blue Lighting to discourage Heroin drug usage in Rest Rooms instead of confronting the issue.

Sheetz Convenience Stores in my area have started using Blue Lighting in Rest Rooms to prevent Junkies from Shooting up Heroin and other drugs and then possibly overdosing in them. Currently store in New Kensington Pa. has it .

The blue lighting keeps junkies from being able to see their veins and shooting up. 

So it then becomes a big inconvenience for Diabetics , those who use  Urinary  Catheters ,Colostomy Bags etc  and others who need discretion or out of the way place change their clothes . Because unlike in the picture the restrooms are very dark with  this new Blue Lighting .

In essence they are violating ADA rules because the restrooms can not be properly used by Special needs individuals with out great difficulty. 

So they solve one issue and take the cowards way out instead of confronting it and keeping undesirables out. 

This is also bad for business because anyone who sees this lighting and knows what it is now knows you don't want to stop at this store for fear of Junkies who hang around this area breaking into their vehicles or Car Jacking them. 

 I usually avoid this store and use a Getgo further up the road but had to stop out of urgent need  and glad I did not have a accidental bowel leakage and would have needed to clean myself up as I have had to many times since going thru surgery for Stage 4 Colon Cancer .

Sheetz really needs to rethink this policy and get rid of the undesirables in a different manner .


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