Thursday, October 20, 2022

BDA Bidirectional Amplifiers The New Fire Code Scam and expense some times being required when it is not even needed

 Once again the Fire Service is proving to be its own worst enemy .

In the latest addition of NFPA and ICC codes they call for the use of BDA Bidirectional Amplifiers 

instead of installing Fireman's Phones in high Rise structures to allow Firefighters to be able to use their 2 way radios they carry anywhere in the structure. vs the old Fireman's Telephone systems  where handsets where kept in a building lobby and carried up and plugged into a special outlet on each floor so firefighters could communicate with command center .

BDA are not new they have been around since the 90s to enhance cell phone service in buildings where their construction  prevents cell signals from penetrating them. Typically around $500.00 to cover 2500 Sq ft of building with Cell Signals and can go into the thousands depending how much coverage you need .

While Emergency Services  Radio BDA  just the base equipment can be $25,000 -$50,000.00  and that does not include installation  average Fire BDA is $40,000.00 to $install.

That's a lot to ask for an owner of a new building who is already paying an extra 20%  to cover ADA regulations. and now you asking to add 20 to 40 % more in costs


How a BDA works generally a yagi  antenna is placed on the roof  and sends a signal down to an amplifier which then feeds it out thru the building thru a series of coax cables and  small omni directional antennas  placed in ceilings generally in hallways. 

Yes they are a good ideal but they are very expensive and needless to say their are company's out there taking advantage of the situation.

I just recently Took a class and in the class 2 of the radios being used where not calibrated correctly and giving the wrong RSSI info which is used to determine if a BDA is needed .

I also had a building where they said they needed a BDA when they did not .

Plus now you also have another system needs yearly inspection and more back up batteries that need changed and every 5 years you have to pay for a resurvey of property to make sure nearby construction is not interfering with the BDA .

Now many of these BDA are not even needed the BDA can be utilized by the responding units .the radio on the fire truck can be set up similar to a BDA so every where they go Firefighters will have communication to outside trucks and command. 

These units have been around since 70s 

But as usual instead of looking at a better system and way to do this NFPA decided to screw  all the building owners with the cost burden.

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