Monday, May 20, 2024

If you have one of these older Murray / Crouse Hinds Breaker Panels . They have a design flaw which damages the main breakers requiring replacement

 Murray / Crouse Hinds  have made breaker panels for many years however  their  MP main line series panels  made in 80s and 90s have a serious design  problem with 150 amp and  200 amp Main breakers burning up or not turning back on after being turned off after being on for a long time 

The problem starts when the main breaker which is stabbed on instead of bolted on to the panels buss bar  becomes loose after heavy amperage draw thru it 

As you can see in the above picture the stab blades on the breaker are all burned up.

This leads to arcing and smoking and buzzing noises and eventually breaker failure and out go the lights .

Normally the damage is too bad to save panel as buss bar is also damaged and requires total replacement which runs into the thousands

If you have one of these panels have an electrician who has a thermal camera check to make sure your main breaker is not failing 

Luckily Murray has come out with a new line of panels which now have bolt on mains and this problem is eliminated

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