Monday, September 2, 2024

Most Fire Wood in Pennsylvainia is being sold Illegally . How to tell your gettuing what your paying for

 So its labor day Weekend and your on your way to your favorite campground  off Pa route 66  Pa Time to stop and buy some fire wood to get that campfire going tonight . But wait a minute did you know the vast majority of fire wood being sold in Pa is being done so illegally and your probably getting ripped off

Fire wood may only be sold by the Running cord or fraction there of.  Not by bundle like most stands sell it . By following the law it insures you are getting the correct amount of wood. 


Title 70 of the Pennsylvania Code

Wood used for fuel shall be sold by the cord of 128 cubic feet (4 feet by 4 feet by 8 feet) or fraction thereof and shall be accompanied by a statement or invoice certifying the amount sold and presented to the buyer or his designee at the time of delivery or billing.

Section 2.11 of the Weights & Measures Act of 1965

Cord: When used in connection with wood intended for fuel purposes, the amount of wood that is contained in a space of 128 cubic feet (4 feet by 4 feet by 8 feet) when the wood is racked and well stowed.

Firewood may not be advertised or sold by the truck load, the pile, the piece or any other method other than by the cord or fraction thereof. There is no such thing as a face cord. An invoice must be given at the time of sale.


For those selling illegally like along PA route 66 sellers   they can all be cited and fined for selling the wood improperly  .

Keep this in mind next time you get wood what $5.00 buys you at one stand is not same as another .

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