This is one of the very rare times System sensor has had a recall and I am glad to see they are taking care of it immediately. Unlike other irresponsible manufacturers of life safety equipment.
Product Notice
If you have any questions concerning System Sensor products or their applications,
please contact Technical Services at 1-800-SENSOR2 (736-7672), extension 2.
3825 Ohio Avenue • St. Charles, IL 60174 • Phone: 800-736-7672 • Fax: 630-377-6583 • www.systemsensor.com
Issued: 10/3/2011
Summary of issue: Dual-action pull station activation handle
Level of urgency: Medium
Model numbers: All dual-action type pull stations
Manufactured date range: July 2007 to January 2010 [date codes 7071 to 0011]
System Sensor has been made aware of the potential for an issue with certain pull stations that were
manufactured at our St. Charles, Illinois facility between July 2007 and January 2010. The affected
models are of the “dual-action” type. These are clearly identified by the marking on the activation
handle which reads “Push In - Pull Down” as shown in the drawing below. Single action pull stations,
marked “Pull Down” only, are not affected.
The activation handle on these models made use of a molded-in tab that creates the need to push the
handle in before pressing downward. Some customers have reported to us that the tab can become
bent in such a fashion as to inhibit movement of the handle and inhibit activation. After review and
investigation, it appears that the bent tab is the result of improper installation/operation and should be
apparent during normal testing and inspection per NFPA. The incident rate is extremely low and does
not appear to be tied to any specific material lot or environmental condition. A design change was
made to the handle component in January of 2010 that eliminated this issue.
As a part of your annual inspections and system commissioning, inspection and testing of each pull
station must be conducted in the manner in which it was designed to operate and as described in the
installation manual: push in and pull down on the handle. As stated in Table, section 14 (e), of
the 2010 edition of NFPA 72®: “Manual fire alarm boxes shall be operated per the manufacturer’s
published instructions.” This manner is consistent with operation by a typical building occupant. The
pull station must not be tested in a fashion outside of the operational design. Opening the door of the
pull station and manually activating the alarm switch does not meet the intent of NFPA described
above. If the pull station is not tested in the proper manner, a bent tab could be overlooked.
If the pull station actuates normally and a visual inspection of the tab shows it to be straight, then the
pull station does not have this issue. System Sensor will, free of charge, replace under normal warranty
terms any pull station exhibiting the condition described and manufactured with a date code range of
7071 through 0011.
General location of the four digit
date code (???? on this example).
Location varies slightly model to
standard bent
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